Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Office...

I was voted in as the Baronial Chamberlain last night.  I get to be the keeper of the stuff!  I even have a fancy keyring with keys and everything!  Owning keys is how you know that you're a real adult, because real adults have responsibilities that come with keys.

When The Boy and I were moving up to Oregon, I had to turn over the key to my apartment, and the key to my car, and for a week, I had no keys to anything.  I felt extremely displaced then, and not tied to anything, but certainly not in a good way.  I found myself not attached to things, sort of drifting, and I found I didn't have a place to call mine.  Once we moved, I had the key to The Boy's van, and now have the key to the apartment, the garage and the mailbox.  I've come to belong someplace again.

And back to the Chamberlain.  I now have keys to the storage unit.  My first goal is to take an inventory of all the items owned by the Barony, and check it against the items on the previous inventory.  I'd like to be able to weigh the items we own, since the weight our trailer can hold is rather small, I'd like to know whether or not we can pack things in the trailer.

I'm looking forward to serving our group, and becoming more involved with the running of things locally.

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